Thursday, March 30, 2006


Three boys huddled over an object they had been working on for the past two weeks, they gleefully converse amongst them self’s for today was the day they would get to see there hard work blown away. It took about thirty minutes to set the device of connection but after the long time it took to assemble the device it seemed like nothing. After all of this was done there was a slight pause as the three looked up, they all had the same question on their minds (what should we annihilate) the chicken coop, the burn barrel, or just merely place a nice hole into the ground. Now you can see their predicament for all of the options would be more than adequate for the desired affect, but after a hasty decision they decided on the chicken coop. It would serve especially well because it not only was old but it was not being used and was “going to come down any way” it a few months, so why not “help it a little”. They hauled the device into the chicken coop and set it for discharge, then carefully inspected it to make sure it would work. When all was given the O.K they filed out and made a beeline for the BIG 2 inch thick panel they had previously set up. Now was the big moment they had all been waiting for, carefully peeking over the panel one of the boys produced a plastic gun looking gadget with a trigger and pointed it at the coop and pulled the trigger. What followed surpassed all the expectations of the boys, CRACK BOOOOOMMMM SWISSSSSHHHHH, AND SCORCHING HEAT where just a few of the things that came forth from the great reddish orange ball of fire that mush roomed about 20 feet it to the afternoon sky blowing the roof and walls away. When all the heat and smoke had cleared the boy’s cautiously crawled out from behind their panel and examined the remains of the chicken coop, which to put it bluntly was not much. AH, WOW, COOL, AWSOME and DUDE where the only word that could be said for about two minutes. Then the breathtaking monument was shattered by a familiar voice “BOYYYSSS what was tha….. She stopped short of her sentence as she examined my/are handy work. Crumpled tin and smoldering wood lay everywhere, all the boys got out of this breathtaking experience was blisters and burns from spending the rest of the nice day cleaning up the mess. So next time you do something think about the consequences.

Wednesday, March 29, 2006


Any suggestions on what I should go to the costume party as?

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Concrete Girl

Bleeding thoughts
Cracking boulder
Don't fall over
Fake your laughter
Burn the tear
Sing it louder,
Twist and shout

Way up here
We stand on shoulders
Growing colder
Laugh or cry
I won't mind
Sing it louder,
Twist and shout

Immovable shadows
Concrete girl
They'll rock your world
To nothing
And they're swimming
Around again, again
And they're swimming
Around again, again
And they're swimming
Around the concrete girl

Catch your breath
Like four leaf clover
Hand it over

Scream to no one
Take your time
Sing it louder,
Twist and shout

Nothing to run from
Is worse than something
And all your fears
Of nothing
And they're swimming around
Again, again
And they're swimming around
The concrete girl

Concrete girl
Don't fall down
In this broken world
Around you
Concrete girl
Don't fall down
Don't fall down
My cocnrete girl

Don't stop thinking
Don't stop feeling

One step away
From where we were
And one step back
To nothing
And we're standing on top
Of our hopes and fears
And we're fighting for words now
Concrete girl
And we're swimming around
Again, again
And we're swimming around now
Concrete girl

If the unexpected where expected then would the expected be unexpected?

That’s just something to think about.

Saturday, March 25, 2006


This is what my days where like from sun up to sun down:

5:30-Get up

5:40-6:30- PT (Bench press 100lb-12times 60 sit-ups 25 push-ups)


7:30-8:00-Free time






9:00-10:00-Free time

10:00-lights out (all showers and any other stuff must be done before hand)

Now repeat this every day for two weeks, and trust me it gets old fairly fast.

Monday, March 13, 2006

Measure thy life by loss instead of gain,
Not by the wine drunk but by the wine poured forth;
For love's strength standeth in life's sacrifice;
And whoso suffers most hath most to give.
For all through life I see a cross,
Where sons of god yield up their breath;
There is no gain except by loss,
There is no life except by death;
There is no vision but by faith,
No glory but in bearing shame,
No justice but in taking blame;
And that Eternal Passion saith
Be emptied of glory and right and name.

A pilgrim once, so runs an ancient tale,

Old, worn, and spent, crept down a shadowed vale,

On either hand rose mountains bleak and high;

Chill was the gusty air, and dark the sky;

The path was rugged, and his feet were bare;

His faded cheek was seamed by pain and care;

His heavy eyes upon the ground were cast,

And every step seemed feebler than the last.

The valley ended where a naked rock

Rose sheer from earth to heaven, as if to mock

The Pilgrim who had crept that toilsome way;

But while his dim and weary eyes essay

To find an outlet in the mountain side,

A ponderous sculptured door he spied,

And, tottering toward it with fast failing breath,

Above the portal read, ”The Gate Of Death.”

He could not stay his feet that led thereto;

It yielded to his touch, and passing through,

He came into a world all bright and fair;

Blue were the heavens, and balmy was the air;

And lo! the blood of youth was in his veins,

And he was clad in robes that held no stains

Of his long pilgrimage. Amazed, he turned;

Behold! A golden door behind him burned

In that fair sunlight, and his wondering eyes,

Now lusterful and clear as those new skies,

Free from the mists of age, of care, of strife.

Above the portal read, ”The Gate Of Life.”

Saturday, March 11, 2006

Well the past couple days have been quite superb even in spite of the infinitesimal things that transpire. One of the individual things that happened was the fact that Tickly threatened to portrayal the whiteness of the sphere that is suspended in the night sky to some underprivileged feeble person. When I gain knowledge of that truth I was slightly alarmed, now I’m sure other individual’s where just as troubled with that information but it was in particularly forbidding to me because I know he would do it instantaneously.

Additional to that and the few other occurrences that came into being every thing was reasonably satisfactory. Why am I recording this? Well because I had nothing better to inscribe to the millions of individuals who will witness this gruesome post. Well I will be leaving for TWO weeks Monday so more than likely this is my last post for two weeks.

Sorry I abandoned my blog fleetingly, Things have been vary hectic with the campaign and all. Well gota move along, I’m going to my interview for Camp Pirtle.

See yall all later